Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunny and 86* and my first giveaway!

Hello everyone from sunny Saginaw!  I know I have been bad all week not blogging for you, but I do have a good excuse!  I was busy!  Work and my stupid knee have prevented me from doing alot this week, however guess what.  I am here today!  I didn't make anything special this weekend, well except for my yummy garlic dip but I forgot to take a picture of it :(  But I did get alot of cleaning done. I cleaned the basement and did lots of laundry.  I also worked on my cookbook this weekend.  I did make one.  I have a lot on order, so 1 isn't putting a dent into it.  However there is light at the end of the tunnel.  I am getting closer to publishing it.  I am just waiting for them to get back to me!~  Isn't that exciting.  We are going to have a contest to see what the name of it should be!  I have an idea of what I want to call it, but suggestions are always good.  So lets see if anyone is thinking on the same page as me!  If I pick your name that you e-mail to me you  win! You will get a free cookbook.  If there are more than one winner I will give that person also a cookbook too!  So come on here we go send all suggestions to!  Thanks and as always..... Mangia~!