I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! Time has gone by way too fast this week. I have been on vacation all week cleaning and tearing down the Christmas decorations. I am sure everyone has some sort of plans this evening. Whether you are spending it with family or friends please remember to enjoy yourself and please drink responsibly.
I am sure that there are going to be a few resolutions going around as well. I started my resolution 3 weeks ago by starting a lo-carb diet. This has been the only way to lost weight for me (along with exercise) in the past.... Weight watchers and low fat diets do not seem to work. So I am beginning the journey again that I started 6 years ago. I am doing the Kris' version of the Atkins/South Beach Diet. The good news is that I have a 3 week jump on everyone else....(Going into my 4th next week). And down 12 lbs! ( which I am sure was water, so you can't tell!) So resolution #1 is too obviously loose some weight. #2 is to spend more time with family! I have really enjoyed the 2 years I have been back with my mom and dad. We have done a lot of things together that I probably wouldn't normally do if I still had my own place. I want 2011 to be special for them.... I do not want to relive the beginning of 2010 again.
2010 did not get off to a good start when my friend Cathie passed away in January. As time went by it was harder to imagine life without her here. I would think that she was not gone and go to pick up the phone and remember she was gone. She was in her mid-fifties and had a heart of gold. She was a great friend, mother, grandmother, daughter and sister. She was soo loved by everyone that she came in contact with. It is still hard to believe that she is gone.
Despite the fact that I lost a very dear friend I did end January on a positive note, I received a promotion at work. However I really did not get a chance to do my job all year until the last quarter. A summer filled with a hurt knee and a different route every week due to the fact that we were 4 men down didn't stop me from making my dream a reality. In July I did a something I have not done in about 6 years. I catered a party. It made me feel alive! I smiles on peoples faces when they come up to you and say this was the best food I have ever had! It makes you feel good!
The fall came and we were back on board at work by getting fully staffed. I was a little more relaxed until the bomb got dropped that they were possibly eliminating my position at work. I freaked at first and then I decided it is was it is. (I dislike that saying) So I decided that I had a few orders for Thanksgiving treats so I posted some pics on FB and boy did the orders start rolling in... Time went by too fast and soon it was Christmas and I had orders for then also. I am starting on making some valentines day ideas and posting them so people can order! I am excited to see what 2011 holds for me. So I hope this finds all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
And as always Mangia!
Kris, I love reading your blog & I am so happy that your catering biz is taking off! Love ya lots, Cathy